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Through True Word Ministries, Pastor Fred Tumwebaze oversees 10 churches in Busoga. He serves as the spiritual leader for the pastors and people of these congregations. His efforts are tireless as he helps build strong lighthouses of hope for the people of Uganda. RESCUE AFRICAN CHILDREN and Omega School are the means by which Fred seeks to minister to the specific needs of the poor and needy children in his region of the world.

Through REACH, children are given the opportunity to receive an education through the unique child-sponsor relationship. One child receives only one sponsor in hopes of the development of an extended family relationship.

Pastor Fred’s vision is expansive:

  • The Good Shepherd Farm, a high school for continuing education of Omega School graduates
  • A future medical center
  • Basic Ministry Training Institute (BMTI) as an institute that equips church leaders with leadership skills.

You are invited to join Pastor Fred in pursuing his heavenly vision through True Word Ministries and REACH. Your partnership continues to make this vision a reality. May God continue to lead and provide in this great ministry. He is continuously seeking God’s presence and provision to make the dreams a reality. You can email Fred for more information about his vision and how you can help: Email Fred

Filed under: Church Planting, Churches