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Our Partners

True Word Ministries is an effort of the combined churches in our community, Busoga, Uganda, Africa. We seek to mobilize individuals, organizations, foundations, and churches in order to bless the nation.

The invitation is open to individuals, organizations, foundations and churches who may be interested in partnering with us here in Uganda.

How is God prompting your church to be involved in missions?
True Word Ministries can help you get there.

Our Vision:
We envision True Word Ministries collaborating with other churches to form powerful partnerships between churches, missionaries, and international partners so that lives will be transformed.

Prepare for Missions
Prayerfully consider where God is leading your church and discover opportunities to be involved. We are ready to receive you and share the joy as brothers in service.

Plan Your Strategy
Embark on great adventures in missions through village pastor support, short term trips, partner churches and many others.

Send Your People
“Go into the entire world and preach the gospel”–A partnership with True Word Ministries can help you send the right people, to the right place, in the right way.
Send an Invitation for an experienced pastor to come to your church to share what’s happening around the world. Challenge your church to get involved in the ministries around the world. Please contact us through email: