Articles Comments » June 2012

June 2012

He Rebuked Peter, “Get behind me, Satan!” Mark 8:33

Friday 29 June, 2012 was a very beautiful day when we went to Buyengo Sub-county for an overnight. We had a very wonderful reception and a big gathering. People traveled long distances on foot and on bicycles to come and attend. We went through all activities witnessing His own mighty power working in us.

Mysteriously, God lead us to the demon disturbed area, yet we made all our invitations to broken-hearted people to meet us at the hospital ground. But God led us to take the protection of Jesus Christ at the Demon troubled Government Primary School where demons were attacking pupils with some abandoning their studies.

We willingly obeyed and camped at that very school. We planted our tent when the community was full of amazements and wondered what would happen during our prayer time. We went through Friday night calling upon God to heal the broken hearted people. This overnight was exceptional, and it did not leave elderly people, breast feeding mother, husbands and innocent children in bed. The spirit of God kept on flowing in the people.

We noticed people eagerly awaiting God’s deliverance, the majority weeping profusely as they stood near the platform seeking deliverances. The gospel pierced the hearts of the people that night; there was a pouring out of the Holy Spirit for salvation. There was a strong message and saving grace of God manifested. The theme of the message delivered by Rev. Fred Tumwebaze was:

“Get behind me, Satan!” – Mark 8: 31–34″

Ministry to the people

The message drew the attention of the gathering. Reverend clearly notified people that, “Satan can attack any one, big, small, rich or poor, spiritually filled or not… and the mind is the battle field.” He demonstrated how the closest man of Jesus, Peter, fell victim of Satan.

He called upon all people to resist Satan and all his acts, and then all tortured will get behind them. Our heart beat is to fulfill the great commission of Jesus Christ but not out of Plenty but faith and love. “Join us!”





Dear Brethren: We would like to once again extend our thanks to our friends who donated the tent and shipped it to Uganda. We promised to put this tent to good use as we  go from place to place for all night prayer meetings and revival gatherings. On August 7th— 10th we will be going back to Butagaya for a three days seminar and one day overnight.


We currently experience ministers and equipment transportation challenges because of the need to hire trucks to take us back and forth each time we travel.

Please pray for the provision of a mission van and truck.